For many years, Stephen has been instrumental in helping us build and grow our business.

Kevin Nordby, Specialized Environmental Technology, Inc.

Stephen offers my valuable counsel as to the business that I run.  Not only does he offer practical legal counsel, he also understands how a business should operate.  He identifies issues that face my business and provides me with good solutions to solve these problems.

John Noer, USA Energy Group, LLC

I always look forward to working with Stephen on any transaction.  Stephen is a very skilled negotiator and can often solve contentious problems with workable solutions for all parties.  More importantly, Stephen has the ability to understand the most complex issues and convert them into common-sense issues that can be easily understood and solved.

Glenn Adams, Newvesco, LLC


"They make money the old fashioned way - they earn it."

Smith Barney Commercial

Phone:  (763) 559-9110

Fax:  (763) 559-9139

Kaminski Law Office, PLLC

Town Center Office Plaza

3535 Plymouth Boulevard

Suite 211

Plymouth, Minnesota  55447